Tuesday 30 December 2014

Simple Speech

Posted by priesty.pretty at 11:27

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

First of all, let's us praise to Allah swt, because of his blessing we are able to attend in this place, secondly may peace be upon the prophet muhammad saw who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness. I would also like to say many thanks to my beloved parents, my beloved teachers, and my beloved friends. In this golden chance allow me in front of you all to deliver a brief speech about corruption.

Dear my friends
Corruption is well known word that everyone in this country knows exactly what it means and how cruel it is. Corruption is an action of stealling people money and their right of justice. It's stink and inhuman action. Corruption has become the biggest problem in indonesia that need immediate action. It's bring our country to the poverty. Our country is weaken by corruption. It's like a virus which infect all sectors in goverment, justice, and civil
Public services.

My friend
Even though, there is kpk or in indonesia can called komisi pemberantasan korupsi, which bravely wipe out the corruption cases in indonesia. We are as smart generation should prevent the corruption happen in our future. Being honest is the key. Do and speak honestly will help us to maintain our country from the danger of corruption. Corruptors must die !!!!!!!
Thank you for you attention, the last i say

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb


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